Monday, 25 January 2016

Acupressure and Drug abuse

Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a long history of treating drug abuse.  The two types of treatments are:
  1. Auricular acupuncture
  2. Body acupuncture.
The main functions of the acupuncture treatment are to decrease the withdrawal symptoms and improve the patient’s depression and brain function.  There are many studies supporting these treatments and the most well known is that acupuncture can directly increase the level of endogenous endorphin, which makes the patient feel calm, relaxed and cheerful.  Acupuncture can also directly stimulate the central nervous system to make the patient feel less depressed and lessen the craving for drugs.
For auricular acupuncture, I use the lung, endocrine, liver, spleen and large intestine points corresponding to these organs. .  The lung has an opening through the nose and when people abuse heroin, the lung point will protect the lung function and strengthen the immune system.   The endocrine points increase endorphin secretion and increase people’s immune function to protect the entire body.  Liver and spleen points improve circulation and also improve the taste in the mouth because the spleen and stomach have openings in mouth and large intestine points; the intestine and the lung have direct meridian connection, so if we improve the function of the large intestine, this in turn will directly improve the lung function.
Pic 6-1

For the body acupuncture points, the most important ones are on the head. I use Baihui DU20 plus shi sheng chong Exn1, total five points, which can directly stimulate the central nervous system when I add electrical stimulation to the needles.  They send current directly to the cortex of the brain, which greatly improves the patient’s mood and decreases the depression.  Shuaigu GB8, which is on the head 1.5 inches above the tip of the auricular is directly connected to the sensory cortex, which will improve the body’s sensation and make it dislike the taste of heroin.  Hegu L14 is a point that can largely increase endorphin secretion and Qu Chi L111 will give a better functioning effect.  Neiguan Pc6 is a point of the pericardium meridian, which also helps improve mental functions.  Lu7 is the point from the lung meridian which protects the lung from attacks of heroin and improves the immune function of the lung.
Pic 6-2

After treatment of two weeks, the patient started to feel decreased withdrawal symptoms and had more energy.  However, he sometimes still feels cravings for heroin, and he has some physical weakness, with muscle spasms in his arms and legs.  He also experienced restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by insomnia.  I continued the acupuncture treatments three to four times a week for eight weeks, while also discussing the short and long term effects of heroin use and what organs would be effected and harmed by continued use.  He told me that, in spite of the withdrawal symptoms, he still felt much better with the treatments and he is happy to treat his addiction in this fashion, rather than go into a methadone program, at which point his drug use would become generally known.  By coming to me, he can be treated in private for his addiction.

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