Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Acupressure Points

Bone Ponts:
Arm bones: LU 1-11. On the arms, it seems that Lung treats the periosteum, while Heart treats the bone itself. LU 1-2/HT 1-2 treats the scapula and head of humerus, Lu 3-4/HT 4 treats the humerus, LU5-9/HT4-8 treats the radius, LU 11/HT9 treats distal digits. The point location for Lung 2 may actually be found in the bicepital groove, since qi seems to manifest most strongly under the heads of the bones. Lung 1 would then be the entire pool found under the acromium.
Hand bones (carpals): LU 7/ HT 7. Thumb joint and proximal digit joints: LU 10/HT 8. Distal digit joints: LU 11/HT 9.
UB 53-54 treats the hip bone. SP 12-16 treats the periosteum of the hip and acetabulum. GB 29-30 treats the head of the femur. SP 10-SP 11 treats the periosteum of the head of the femur. SJ 1-5 treats the joint capsule.
Leg and feet bones:
On the legs, it seems that Spleen treats the periosteum, while Kidney treats the bone itself. Toes: SP 1-5, K 1-6, Tibia: SP 6-9, K6-10. Fibula: GB 33-39. Femur: SP 10-11, K1-11.
Sacrum and coccyx: UB 31-35. UB 54-55. Add a huato line for the matrix. articulating surface with hip: SJ 1-3
Spinal column: UB line at level of points. Body or matrix of bone of spine, discs: Huatos. Facets: SJ at level of arm if hanging by side. Lumbar facets= SJ 4-5.
Spinous Process: ST 12-30. Sacral spinous processes: ST 30-31. Cervical: ST 9-10.
Transverse processes: The transverse processes are treated by the outer UB line, at the level you find them. For example, UB 52 treats the transverse process of the 2nd and 3rd Lumbars (UB 22-23). Articulating processes: UB 39-54 (base of butt) with the Kidney Channel all along inner thigh at the top of the femur where there is tenderness. There are no official acupuncture points along there, but if a vertebrae is infected you will find a weakness and often tenderness.
Thoracic ribs: SJ 5-13.
Head Bones
Lyme can be found energetically in all head bones, probably spreading from the sinuses, jaws, and teeth. The Sphenoid and the Nasal bone are mostly cartilage, and therefore easily permeated by the Lyme spirochete.
Frontal bones: ST 25-12. If these bones are not adequately treated, then the points that rest on top of these areas (ST 1-7), will not stay strong.(ST1-12 control cranial nerves.)
ST 41-44 with SP 1-5 jaw under upper back teeth and frontal sinuses
ST 36-40 (and down the leg): jaw under upper front teeth & molars
ST 35-30: maxilla or upper jaw bone
ST 30-25: the eye socket and ridge
ST 25-13: frontal bone or forehead
Hyoid bone: Lu 2
Jaw bone (Maxilla): ST 41-ST 36. The front teeth area is treated by ST 36, back teeth area by ST 41-44. If infection moves further up the jaw towards the eyes the points are ST 35-31.
Jaw (mandible): LI 1-20.
LI 1-4: under lower front teeth, condyle: LI 14. Mastoid process: LI 15, 16.
Nasal bone: LI 1-5 Vomer: SI 8 and area above it on humerus. Ethmoid: K 1-5
Occiput: UB 67-40.
Palantine bones: palate: SI 1-7 vertical: SI 8-10
Parietal bone: GB 24-41
GB 44-34 affects the occipital juncture with the Parietal Bone.

GB 33-26 affects juncture with temporal bone.
GB 26-16 affects juncture with frontal bone.
GB 16-1 affects the center line of the Parietal (GB 1 towards the back juncture with the occiput.)
Sphenoid bone: SJ 1-23
Outer wing of sphenoid: SJ 13-16 (16 at top of bone). Inner wings of the Sphenoid bone: SJ 17-23. The Pituitary gland is housed by the Sphenoid bone, so it is crucial to clear both yin and yang aspects of these areas. SJ 4 seems to treat the area surrounding the pituitary gland.
Temperal: LI 6-20. Styloid process: LI 12. Mastoid process: LI 15.
Trachea: Lu 3-4
Zygomatic: SI 9-19.

The nervous system helps turns the immune system back on.
There is a basic map to all the madness.
  • The Yin meridians on the feet treat the lobes of the brain while the Yin meridians on the hand treat the cortices.
  • Stomach Meridian treats the cranial nerves.
  • Gall bladder Meridian treats the Sympathetic ganglia to visceral effectors.
  • Bladder Meridian treats the sympathetic nervous system
  • San Jiao treats the sympathetic, and Small Intestine treats parasympathetic innervation to the glands of the head.
None of this will stay clear without clearing the sinuses and the bones of the skull.
Cerebellar Anterior: K 5. Cerebellar Posterior: K 4. Frontal: SP 1-5. Occipital lobe: K 1-5. Parietal: LV 9-14. Limbic Lobe: K 10-11 on thigh. Temporal: LV 1-5 (Color area: LV 4. Tool area: LV 3. Nouns: LV 1).
Endorhinal Cortex: between K 7 and 9. Frontal cortex: LU 9-11.
Mesiocephalon Cortex: K channel below condyle at top of femur. Temporal
Cortex: PC 7-9. Occipital Cortex: HT 7-9. Parietal Cortex: HT 1-3. Motor cortex: HT 2. Olfactory: HT 1. Orbital frontal: LU 8. Prefrontal Cortex: LU 8.
HT 2. Premotor Cortex: HT 3. Somatosensory: Ht 4. Visual: LU 6, HT 7
K1 treats top of the brainstem. K 1 has a new location. (See Revision of Confluent points article for proof.) it is found under the first digit of the foot, directly beneath LV 1. Medulla: K 3 /UB60. Pons, Deencephalon: K 2 Telencephalon: K1
Misc. Brain Areas:
The brain is very difficult to map, since it thrives on connections and networking. The following are mere notes on points that seem to influence certain vials related to different areas.
Broca’s Area: HT 5
Caudate nucleus: HT 2
Center vasomotor: K 10 3 inches above joint
Central canal: LV 4-5
Cerebellum: HT 5-7, K 4 (posterior), K5 (anterior) -cortices and lobes
Cerebral peduncle: superior-Lu 11. inferior: Lu-9, middle-Lu 10
Cerebrum: LU 9-11
Cingulate: LV 10
Corpus callosum: PC 1-3
Endorhinal cortex (location/mapping area of brain): PC 5
Falx cerebri: CV channel huatos at base of palm in KHT
Fusiform gyrus: half way between K9 and 10.
Hippocampus: K 3, new location
Hypothalamus: K 4 new location
Insula: LU 7
Lateral Sulcus: LV 7, new location
Long term memory and lateral genticulate: PC 2 medial geniculate: closer to
elbow joint on PC, distal to PC 2.
Menninges. Pia: LU 1 & 2. Dura: K channel, top of thigh. Arachnoid &
Subarachnoid space: PC 1-2. Subdural space: LV channel, LV 10-11 area.
Nucleus accumbens: Lu 2
Olfactory Bulb: LV 1 and 2
Pons: K4 new location
Putamen: K9
Reticular Activating System: K 4-6, new locations
Septum pellucidum: LV 1
Tentorium cerebelli: HT 8-9
Ventral Media Nucleus Hypothalamus: HT channel between 1 and 2 near
3rd Ventricle: K8
4th Ventricle: K 9
Lateral ventricle: 3 inches below knee crease on K channel.
Wernike’s: PC 1, new location under collarbone, medial to ST 13.
The brain has considerable plasticity. A person with a stroke to the parietlal lobe can end up using the temporal lobe to take over lost functions. Deaf and blind people also use other parts of the cortex to enhance their senses. Therefore, none of these point locations are fixed.
UB1-10 forms the spine of the brain, clears the area underneath. These are the railroad tracks into the brain.
The brain is the hardest area to keep clear. The Lyme spirochetes love neurons, and once they get in there, they have a lot to feast on. The softer bones of the skull; the sphenoid, the palate, the sinus and nasal bones make it easier for the spirochetes to dig into and re-infect the brain.
Cranial nerves: ST 1-12.
I – Olfactory: ST 8 this is actually the first point on the ST meridian.
II - Optic: ST 1
III - Oculomotor: ST 2
IV - Trochlear: ST 3
V - Trigeminal: ST 4
VI - Abducens: ST 5
VII - Facial: ST6
VIII - Vestiulaocochlear: ST7.
IX, X- Glossopharyngeal, Vagus: ST 9 & 10.
XI - Accessory: ST 11.
XII - Hypoglosssal: ST 12.
Components of nervous system
Sympathetic Nervous System: UB Channel
Sympathetic chain ganglia to organs: GB channel. Cardiac ganglia: GB 22, 23. Mesenteric ganglia: GB 26-29. Ganglia to spleen, pancreas and kidney: GB 24, 25.
Parasympathetic Nervous system, Chain ganglia: channel halfway between Ren and Kidney on body, extending from palmar side of middle finger edges to base of hand in KHT.
Peripheral and spinal nerves: LV & PC channels. PC treats peripheral nerves above neck.
Collateral ganglion: SJ channel on body of hand in Korean hand, or points above neck on body.
Postganglionic fibers: Internal Heart channel on hand (see Korean Hand Chart).
Ventral nerves: CV channel. Ventral Root ganglia: Internal Lung channel found on Korean Hand model.
Dorsal nerve: GV channel. Dorsal root ganglia: Outer UB channel.
Myelin sheath: control points: LV 5/ PC 4, ST 12. The whole myelin sheath of the spinal cord can be treated by a Huato type channel found alongside Ren channel on Korean Hand model.

Crucial for treatment of nervous and immune systems
K 3 (new location), LU 7 strengthens the vial related to the Corticospinal tracts.
GB 41, SJ 5 treats the Rubrospinal tracts.
SI 4, UB 60 treats the Spinothalamic tracts.
SP 4, PC 6 treats the Spinocerebellar tracts.
ST 41/ LI 4 treats the Fasciculus Cuneatus and Fascululus Gracilis.
HT 6/ LV 3 treats the Reticulospinal tract.

Miscellaneous Points
None of these points are written in stone.
Appendix: LI 1-2 right side. Ascending colon: right LI Descending colon: left LI Sigmoid: left LI 5 Anus: left Li 1.
LU 9/SP 5-master points for both arteries and veins (LU 9 for upper body and SP 5 for lower body). Coronary: PC 2- 3. Arms: Lu meridian. Legs: Spleen on leg. Pretty much the closest point controls the area. The huato area of the ren channel found on the Korean hand model controls the aorta on the torso, and that same channel extending to the tip of the mid finger gets the arteries of the head. Veins Torso: Ki channel on torso. Arms: Ht Legs: Ki. The vascular endothelial ling of the arteries is treated by the liver and PC meridians.
K 4 new. UB 63-65 treats outer layer. Ureter: UB 59-57 Urethra: K 1-3
K1 & HT 9 It seems that the cilia points help clear sinus and ear cilia, and possibly those throughout the body such as in the kidneys or intestines.
HT 6 new (old HT 5)
Outer: SJ 2, 3, 4 same side. Inner: KI 2-4 new. Inner hair follicles: LV 9-10. Organ of Corti: HT 2. Eustachian tubes: K 3-7. Semicircular canals: LV 9
HT 2. Mouth: HT 5, Base of Tongue: Ht 6. uvula: HT 8
Optic nerve: old ST 1 , (new ST 2). iris: SP 4 retina: LV 5 vitreous humor: LU 6.
Bicuspid valve: HT 3 L. Tricuspid valve: HT 3 R. SA node: LV 8. Atrium: GB
33. Heart muscle: HT 1-9. HT 9 is the tip of the heart, HT 1 the top.)
Pulmonary valve: UB 60. Pulmonary trunk: LU 1-2.
Ileocecal valve: K -9.
KI 16-19, UB23. The kidney and the bladder are one of the prime areas or recurrence since this is how the spirochetes passes itself through the ecosystem.
ST 34, 35, 36, SP 9, SP 10, GB 32, GB 33, GB 34.
GB 39, SJ 6. Anatomically, the same area on the hand as the traditional leg
marrow area is SJ 6; it also tests to clear and strengthen marrow.
Reproductive Organs
There is much controversy about whether Lyme is transferred through seminal fluids. All active partners that I have seen test to be infected in the sexual areas, as shown by referral areas and vials. The Lyme spirochete is also transmitted in utero. Bartonella, Babesia, Erlichea, and Mycoplasmas also seem to be passed between partners. Vials that are specific to the ovaries and uterus, etc. show to weaken after unprotected sex with a partner. I have seen two cases where protection was used, and yet it seems to have passed by infection of spirochetes in the mouth.
Ovaries/Testes: LV 4- LV 12, KI 3- KI 14
Uterus/prostate: SP5- SP7, SP12-14 Huatos or area next to the spine of L4 and L5, UB 32.
Penis/Clitoris: LV 1-3
Seminal Vesicles: K 10 a
Vaginal area: SP 9-10
Endometrium: SP 1-3.
The uterus is an inverted organ so the order on the meridian is reversed as well. While for the penis and clitoris, the distal points on the feet treat the surface expression of the organs, the vaginal area is teated at the knee. The uterus is SP 6.
Fallopian Tubes and Fimbrae (vas deferens): KI 1-10. (K10 is near the ovary.)
Entrenched disease will move up or down these channels. Best to check every point on the KI, LV, and SP meridians up to the knee. Points around pubis and sacrum also must be cleared. Try using Korean hand acupuncture points that correspond to those points and areas.
Many inflamed rotator cuffs originating with an inflamed disc in the neck, shorting out muscles and nerves to the arms and hands. If the problem is bilateral, it is almost always due to neck problems. The 5th through the 7th cervical vertebrae control the nerves to the arms and hands. Treat by clearing and strengthening those rows on the Spine Chart. The cartilage in the cuff itself can also get infested with spirochetes. LU 1-2 treat the cuff.
Frontal: ST44-41 is the sinus proper, but SP1-4 treats the frontal mucosa. LI1-5 treats the nose and Lu 11 -7 the nasal mucosa.
Maxillary: SP 9-10.
Ethmoid: UB 60-57. K 1-4 for mucosa.
Sphenoid: GB 44-41. Liv 1-3 mucosa.
KI points on sternum (K 21-27). KI 27 representing the incisors, and KI 21 being the 3rd molars. All teeth points treat opposite side of mouth. There are points to the outside of ST 13 that treat the eye teeth. Easiest to treat on Korean hand model along the outer edge of palm.
Palantine: Lung 5. Pharyngeal: Base of second toe or HT 3. Lingual: Lung 1.

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