Tuesday, 26 January 2016


It always seemed probable that there would be exact correspondences between acupuncture points and endocrine organs, the question was how to ascertain the relationships. A rough map for evaluating endocrine imbalance was evolved by the chiropractors, just testing over the areas such as the pancreas or the thyroid. The test goes like this: the patient extends an arm, the practitioner touches the endocrine area, and pulls down on the arm. If the arm goes weak and loses resistance, then most likely the endocrine organ is deficient. Giving that particular glandular substance would usually make the arm become strong.
Chiropractors such as Dick Versandahl D.C. pioneered a whole series of reflex points more than 40 years ago. A whole system of nutritional treatment was based on this type of diagnosis. Yet often times glandular substances would have to be given for years because the organs themselves were not treated. The right acupuncture points might be able to strengthen those reflex areas as strongly as the glandulars.
Here is an example. The adrenal glands are frequently stressed and exhausted. Copious amounts of DHEA or adrenal glandular are given to supplant the diminished output of these hormones. The chiropractic adrenal test area is around K 18. A strong arm muscle would become weak touching that area, if the adrenals are weak. One checks along the Kidney channel to look for points that will strengthen that reflex. Stainless steel pellets on two different Kidney channel locations strengthen that reflex area. One is above the knee on under the distal head of the femur, the other is below the knee, under the proximal head of the tibia. (The area on the knee crease produces no result.)
The upper leg point relates to the adrenal cortex, and the lower point to the adrenal medulla. Homeopathic vials of those area must be used to ‘prove’ the case. The adrenal cortex vial only shows a correspondence to the upper point, while the adrenal medulla vial creates a strengthening response to the lower point. The patient holds each of the adrenal vials while the tester touches the Kidney points and tests a strong arm. The arm will only stay strong when touching the ‘correct’ point.
Vials are extensively used by chiropractors as a sort of energetic digital picture of various anatomical areas and substances. They consist of salt water imbued with an energetic vibration that represents either and organ or a hormone or even a bacteria. They seem to be a fairly reliable way to access areas or functions that cannot be perceive through Chinese medicine alone. Chiropractors have been using them for years to evaluate deficiencies and then confirming those deficiencies with blood tests. Blood tests showing the results of needling these endocrine points would be the ideal way to confirm these point locations, but that is beyond my means. While this makes the entire project speculative from a scientific standpoint, it still remains interesting.
What was really interesting was the difference between what the arm and leg points treated. The Kidney and Heart channels, for example, are considered both branches of the same river channel known as the Xiaoyin. The arm points of this extended channel would treat the hormones, while the leg points would treat the gland itself. Pellets were placed on the arm at Heart 3 above and below the joint. The vials relating to the adrenal hormones cleared, such as DHEA, cortisone and norepinephrine, but not the glands themselves. StrengthenIng the leg points would enhance glandular function, so both sets of vials cleared: the hormones and the adrenal glands. This case illustrates the difference between root and branch.
The endocrine system could not be full decoded until some of the channels were rerouted. The Liver channel follows the interior channel of leg all the way up through the thigh, chasing along the bone like a river in a canyon. It does not move medial to the Spleen at the Knee, nor does it move to the middle of the thigh above the knee. How can this be proved? Place a pellet on the liver point on the leg channel and then on it’s corresponding point on the Korean hand model. If both points are correctly placed it will create a strong field that can be tested with an O-ring. (Place thumb and middle finger together and try to pull it apart.) If you place a pellet on the leg on the accepted location of liver 7 and then put a pellet on it Korean point, you will not get a strong O-ring connection.
Because it is the Jueyin partner to the Liver, the Pericardium channel also follows along the radius and humerus medial to the Lung channel. Around the shoulder the Pericardium river follows the clavicle, but on the hand it follows the conventional pathway. The old Liver and Pericardium channels will get a slight amount of strength in an O-ring comparison, as they seem to be a reflection of the true channel, but the real channels will give a much stronger response.
Lyme ProtocolThe Kidney channel as it courses through the foot originates underneath the Spleen and Liver channels, and follows the same curves of the bones. K1 is found right underneath Liver 1; K2 is found media to the Essentials’ K1, under the distal head of the first metatarsal. K3 is under the proximal head, and can be accessed from SP 4. K 4 feels like the source, and is found under the cuniform, accessible from the Essentials’ K2. The correct points for the endocrine glands could not be correctly confirmed until these new points were figured out.
These points remain tentative as it is often difficult to discern whether a point is being affected by a brainstem area on the Kidney channel, or a feedback mechanism, or whether it is the actual endocrine gland itself. Regard this as a first explorer’s map of a region. Some areas for neurotransmitters and enzymes are included for their general interest.


Cortex: above K 10 knee crease/HT3. It consists of three zones: Zona Glomerosa: approximately 2 inches above K 10. Hormone: Aldosterone – two inches above heart 3. Aldosterone affects Angiotenstion I, II and Renin. Zona fasciculata: approx. 1 inch above knee joint. Hormones: Cortisol, ACTH, DHEA – Ht 3.

Zona Reticularis: sex hormones (adrenal androgen, progesterone and estrogen): I/2 inch above knee joint.

Medulla: 1 inch below distal to knee joint on Kidney meridian/1 inch distal to H 3. (UB 23 innervates parasympathetic activity, while GB25 treats Sympathetic activity to both the medulla and cortex.) Hormones: norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Cholecystikinine: Half way up thigh on LV channel.

Dopamine: under proximal head of femur on K channel, and under head of humerus on Heart channel. There is also a relationship to a point 5 cun (three inches) below knee joint on K meridian. Gastrin, Intrinsic factor: LV 6 Upper – 4 fingers width below the curve of the femur, close to the bone.

Histamine: There are two type of histamine, one that produces sinus mucous and an other that produces stomach acid in reaction to food allergens. The sinus histamine is treated through the points LV 2-4, while the gut secretions are mediated through the combination of LV 5, LV 6, & LV 9, used together.

Hypothalamus: K3/HT 8 Lacrimal Glands: LV 11 a/PC 2, under the head of femur. Lymph Glands: SP 10 and above SP10/LU 5 above elbow.

Ovaries and testes: LV 8 thru 10. Hormones: testosterone (approx. 3 cun above LV 9), estrogens, progesterones /above PC 3.

Pancreas: SP 3A/LU 10. UB 20,21. ST 19-20 Hormones: Insulin: SP3a/LU10, Glucagon: SP5/LU 9, Somatostatin: SP 3/LU10. Insulin receptors: SP 7. Isles of Langehorn: SP 4. Exocrine function: lipase - SP 5. Innervation: GB 24, LV 13, SI 8, SJ 9.

Parotid gland: New K 4. Salivary: New K5 (Essentials’ K 6) Sublingual: New K 6 (Essentials’ K 5)

Parathyroid glands: LV 4/PC 7 Parathyroid hormone: Osteocalcin. Controls the utilization of Vitamin D and Calcium. The Marshal protocol claims that vitamin D creates toxins in Lyme patient; I find that if the parathyroid is cleared and functional, then Vitamin D no longer tests negatively. Again you will find parathyroid influenced both by LV 4 on the foot and especially where the liver meridian flares around the tibia to join the ankle bone. Many clients will need supplements of parathyroid hormone along with calcium to strengthen bones and teeth and prevent cramping.

Pineal: K 1 (new)/Ht 2. Hormone: Melatonin. Helps with sleep.


Anterior: LV 2/PC9. Hormones: Growth Hormone, Prolactin: LV 2/PC9, Prolactin

Releasing Hormone: SI 1. TSH, ACTH, FSH. Luteinizing hormone.

Posterior: LV 3a/PC 8. LV 3 is found on the tarsal metatarsal joint. There is also some connection with Lv 7, possibly through a feedback mechanism with the sex hormones. (LV 7 is found on the medial side of SP 9, on the curve of the bone, not where we were taught in school.) Hormones: ADH, Vasopressin, (controls frequency of urination) Oxytocin. Intermediate: LV 3/PC 8.

Sebacious glands: LV 11/PC2 distal to lacrimal gland location.

Secretin: 2-3 cun above SP10.

Sex glands: ovaries and testes: LV 9 and above. ST 28-29. Innervation: GB 28-30/UB53-54. Hormones: estrogen: SP 9, testosterone and progesterone: above PC 3.

Seratonin: turned on with gastric hormones

Skin (as an organ): LV10/PC3 ( halfway up thighbone). Innervation: SJ 13, SI 9. Dermis: LV 3/PC 8.

Epidermis: Lu 7/SP 6. Stratum: K3/HT 9. Subcutaneous: K8/ HT 5.
Sweat Glands: LV12/PC 1. UB50/GB31.

Thalamus: K2 (new)/HT 9

Thymus: Lower thymus: SP 7/LU 6 a. Upper thymus: SP 8/LU 6.

Thyroid: New K7/HT 7. Also above and below both. (I am always using K 7 as the Essentials’ K 3, right below their K7.)

Hormones: Thyroxin: H7 in palm, TSH: HT 7, T 3: Ht 4. T 3: right above K 7-HT 5. In practice one treats the root so: T-3 is treated more above K7, thyroxin at K 7, and TSH is closer to K 6.

Vomeronasal Gland: This is the original smell gland, which allows animals to distinguish between family and foe. In humans it is vestigial, but I believe that in Lyme its weakness contributes to the difficulty of the immune system in distinguishing between normal and toxic fumes. LV 1

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